
An orange smoke tom with blue eyes and forget-me-nots

blood-thirsty - good hunter

parent(s): n/a

sibling(s): n/a

mate(s): Weedfang

kit(s): Tulippaw, Rustpaw

adopted kit(s): Pebblepaw

former apprentince(s): Pirchsong, Shyspeckle, Crowfrost

lives left: 9

biography: Curlystar started the clowder and was the first leader, gained his 9 lives. He was presented with what to name it an and named it Sorrelclowder after his dead husband, Sorrel. His original choice for aide was Badgerstalk. He does all the important meeting and disisions for the clowder. He had a close bond with Bogkit (later Bogtail) and has shown on many ocasions a dedication to his clowder-mates, espressly his younger members. Once Badgerstalk had died he picked Pansydawn as his new aide. He has to deal with the posibility that Blossomnettle is his aides murderer but decides to keep her around, because there is no proof. Pansydawn has many kits and is oftan distracted because of this he choices Mouseleg as her replacement. He found and wears some flowers. He choses to mentor Pirchpaw (later Pirchsong). He got his clowder throught a sickness and floods. He found and adopts Pebblekit. Mouseleg died in a flood with his aprentince and he picks Sparrowstorm as his aide. Weedfang joins the clowder and the become mates soon after. They soon have a pare of kits, Tulipkit and Rustkit (later Tulippaw and Rustpaw). he later aprentinces Rustpaw to Tawnystripe and Tulippaw to Robinheart. Tulippaw is bitten by a snake and dies causing him and his mate grief.
